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Work from Sunny Crete as a Digital Nomad!

If you are working remotely and are looking for a change of pace, there’s never been a more exciting time. Visit Crete, work remotely and experience what it’s like to live and work in an exciting environment.

Greece has voted a law that offers a hefty tax incentive to workers who move in Greece from abroad, with the aim of creating more professional jobs and reversing its crisis-era brain-drain.

Greece hopes to attract "digital migrants" after the coronavirus pandemic accelerated a shift to remote working in many countries and sectors.

A worker from abroad who moves to Greece will be eligible for a 50% exemption on income earned here for seven years under the plan

The incentive package is available since 2021 and people who have not been Greek tax residents within the last seven years will be eligible.

Greece currently applies a tax rate of 9% for the first 10,000€, 22% for the next 10,000€, 28% for the next 10,000€, 36% of the next 10,000€ and   44% for earnings over 40,000 euros.

the scheme will be open to both employed and self-employed workers, or replace an existing job in the country, as long as they have not previously been a tax resident of Greece, the previous 5 years from 6 years, before the shift of the tax residency in Greece.  

Digital nomads must shift tax residency from countries that Greece has treaty for avoiding the double taxation or have administrative tax collaboration (All EU countries are eligible and many third countries).


They must remain at least for 2 years tax residents in Greece.  There will be no restrictions on levels of income or types of work.

As a tax resident in Greece the Global income must be declared in Greece.

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